www.katrinarosales.se www.chawo.blogg.se

My 2013 - July

I juli jobbade jag mycket. Men hann med lite annat också. Som att tälta "på" stranden med Malin och Yasmine.
I worked a lot in July. But I had time for some fun too. Like camping "on" the beac with Malin and Yasmine.
Fotade Malins kattungar.
Took photos of Malin's kittens.
Och lite annat fint.
And some other nice stuff.
De enda bilderna jag fotade på mig själv i juli.
The only photos I took of myself in July.
Åkte till England på utbyte (bästa jag gjort i hela mitt liv).
Went on an exchange to England (the best I've done in my whole life)

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